– About GamerDesigns –
We are a group of 3D artists, coders, graphic designers who make mods for Farming Simulator to suit the needs of forestry equipment, buildings and maps in our free time as a hobby.
Our mods are available free of charge on the game’s developer, GIANTS Software, main website which is also known as the official “Modhub”. Not to be confused with ModHub.us which is a third party mod site not recommended to download our mods from.
– Upcoming Mods –
All mods for Farming Simulator 22 will be for ALL platforms unless mentioned otherwise.

Pitts Trailer Brand
(All Platforms)
3 Pitts Trailers are currently released and more in the process of being in-gamed!

Chip Dump
(All Platforms)
Mod is currently still in blender having final touches and details added.

(All Platforms)
This mod is currently finishing up coding.

Tree Trimmer
(All Platforms)
Mod needs the mesh done on the hoses and UDIM.
– Useful Sites –
– PITTS Trailer Mods –

Pitts 2017 Chip Trailer
Pitts 2017 Rear Load Chip Trailer is a forestry trailer made to haul chipped up trees to sell or store. Has many different capacity options to choose from also including some unrealstic ones.
– Updated trailer so that it will dump anywhere and also dump using the chip ramp placeable.
– Will now fill with chips, crops, bales, logs, root crops, products from your factories and animals along with any extra seed and fertilizer.
Price: $25,000
Brand: Pitts
Weight: 12.9 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring

Pitts Log Trailer Pack
Pitts Log Trailer pack is a multi trailer pack to take care of your tree hauling needs.
Pitts LT40-8L Trailer:
Price: $28,000
Brand: Pitts
Weight: 21 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring
Pitts LP40-4L Trailer:
Price: $30,000
Brand: Pitts
Weight: 21 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring
– added LT40-4L trailer

Pitts Log Trailer Pack
Pitts Log Trailer pack is a multi trailer pack to take care of your tree hauling needs.
Pitts LT40-8L Trailer:
Price: $28,000
Brand: Pitts
Weight: 21 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring
Pitts LP40-4L Trailer:
Price: $30,000
Brand: Pitts
Weight: 21 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring
– Added autoload for PC! Must have universal autoload mod in mod folder as well.
– added LT40-4L trailer
– MAPS –

Umbreon Valley
Welcome to Umbreon Valley. The map the world has long-awaited! Get lost in the vast wilderness and cut as much wood as you want. Filled with all the rivers, lakes, trees, and roads you could possibly want might even spot a deer or two. Sell your processed trees at any of the many log sell points or even sell your chips at the sawmill in town. Once you think you have the experience and you are prepared, then wander on up to the northwest corner of the map and see if you think you have what it takes to conquer the swamps and make it out alive!
Map Includes
- 60+ Buyable Tracts of Timber
- 2 Swamp areas
- 5 Log Sell Points
- 2 Woodchip Sell Points
- 1 Diesel fueling station
- 1 Sawmill Production
- 1 Carpentry Production
- 1 Sell All Selling Point
- 1 Grain Sell Point
- 1 Animal Dealer

Hillibee Creek
Welcome to Hillibee Creek, pronounced hill-a-bee, is a world in its own where you are in charge of your own future. Starting in New Farmer you have to make the choice of being a farmer or logger to start with. With minimum equiptment you can sell off your unused equiptment to buy more for your desired path. Weather you decide to become the best logger or farmer in the world, there is still plenty to do.
Map Includes
- 5 self owned fields in new farmer. 35 total fields.
- Numerous production setups.
- Train circles half the map for logs, and grain products.
- Numerous production setups.
- In order to sell grain from the storage silos of the train they must be loaded onto truck and transported to sell point.
- Train Wood Yard has invisible sell point under shed so when train passes it sells instantly.
- Several 1000 acres of farming and logging.
- Custom owned cow pasture in new farmer.
- Custom lumber sell point located at sawmill.
- Off the map creek crossing behind south train silo to the forestry area.
- Stone quarry in back center of forestry area.

The Plantation
Get ready to experience unlike ever before on a tree farm in the United States. The terrain is fairly smooth with some rolling hills. The Plantation supports all productions that are avaliable and will offer the ulitmate forestry & farming experience.
This map includes:
– 10 Fields
– 31 purchasable lands
– Main river and small lake for fresh water.
– Full of all the in-game collectibles.
– Includes 1 sell-all point, sawmill production, grain elevator, and chip sell point.
– Map is based in the US with normal seasons.
– Some ditches fill with water during rainy weather.

Mod Test Map
(PC Only)
Here is the “Mod Test Map” that I released in FS19! The map was made for a modder to be able to test out their logging mods quick and easy! Also it is great for being able to quickly take some great screenshots with your mods. Hope you enjoy! Always use original link and leave my name in credits! .

Deep Logging
(PC Only)
Converted from FS 19! How you all enjoy it! I added a sawmill by popular demand! All I ask is that if you edit it for your discord server or whatever the reason please keep my credits in it!

Beginner Map
(PC Only)
Here is a Giants Modhub friendly blank map.
-Train resources
– Forestry Resources
– Basic Resources
– MODS –

669 Buncher
(All Platforms)
Working on your tree farm or even just wanting to clear some property for farming? This machine is your go-to machine for quick and easy performance to get all them trees cut and laid on the ground in neat piles.
Machine Store Category: Forestry Machines
Buncher Head Store Category: Forestry Equipment
Price: $175,000 – $179,0000
Buncher Head Price: $6000
Thinning Head Price: $6000
Engine Power: 485 HP – 2000 HP
Max. speed: 11 mph – 19 mph

Plantation Forestry Trailer
(All Platforms)
Plantation Trailer is a forestry trailer to haul logs or lumber.
Price: $28,000
Brand: Lizard
Weight: 21 tons
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring

American Flatbed Pack
(All Platforms)
American Flatbed Pack with multiple configurations for transporting all your products.
American Flatbed
Price: $22000
Configs: Flatbed, Forestry, Lumber
Wheel Configurations: Dual, Spread, Tri-axle
Shorty Flatbed
Price: $16000
Configs: Flatbed, Forestry, Lumber
Wheel Configurations: Dual, Spread, Tri-axle
669 Dolly
Price: $4000
Axles: 2 axle
Suspension: Spring/Air-ride

Forestry Sign Pack
(All Platforms)
A placeable forestry sign pack.
Price – 20$

Pole Trailer
(All Platforms)
This is the Lizard Logistics PT22 Pole Trailer for all your tree length hauling need. The back of the trailer is adjustable to be able to haul 30m logs all the way to full length trees.
Price: $22,000
Brand: Lizard Logistics
Model: PT22
Axles: 2
Suspension: Spring

Hydra-Gate Delimbing Gate
(PC Only)
Gate for sitting by the loader to delimb your trees in order to make processing them to load easier.
Price: $8000

Forestry Sell Point
(All Platforms)
A placeable sell point used to place logs on and sell in-game. Also has a container sell point included. Logs are meant to be sold on the metal racks, while containers automatically sell in the marked sqaure.
Price: 8000 $
Daily upkeep: 10 $/day

Storinator Storage Silo
(All Platforms)
This is the ultimate silo to store all your bulk farming products and will even store wood chips! Once the prices are to your liking just fill your trailer or truck with your product and go to the nearest sell point.
Products: Wheat, Barley, Oat, Canola, Sorghum, Olives, Sunflowers, Soybeans, Corn, Potatoes, Sugar Beet, Sugar Beet Cut, Sugarcane, Seeds, Total Mixed Ration, Forage, Chaff, Wood Chips, Silage, Grass, Hay, Straw, Snow, Road Salt, Lime, Pig Food, Stones, Mineral Feed, Manure, Solid Fertilizer.
Capacity: 30,0000 L
Price: $10000

Construction Fences
(All Platforms)
Basic mesh fence to place around construction and job site to keep out unwanted guest or machines.
Price: $25

Logging Mat
(PC Only)
I made this logging mat from complete scratch! Buy it under the Forestry Equipment for $100 and load them on a trailer with a loader. They are strappable and can be driven on with any truck or equipment

Swamp Logging Mat
(PC Only)
I made this swamp logging mat by redesigning an fs15 mod and doing a good bit of blender work! Buy it under the Forestry Equipment for $150 and load them on a trailer with a loader. They are slappable and can be driven on by any truck or equipment.

Kenworth W900
(PC Only)

Amercian Water Tank
(PC Only)
Tree Scripts from Myrithis (Catalyzer Industries)
(click HERE to download)
Myrithis (Catalyzer Industries) wanted to share his scripts he made for the community to make working with a mass amount of trees a lot easier.
Add the attached scripts into your Editor then open them and make any variable changes you would like.
treeReplicator: Replicate the selected tree in a radius around it. (Look over the changeable values at the top of the script.)
treeRadiusFix: Scan all trees and delete trees which are too close to another. (set treeDistance value at the top of the script. Default is 5m)
treeFloatFix: Auto Fix Y values of all trees to match terrain height.
terrainColorCodes: This doesn’t work all the time but its an attempt to aquire the colors you do not want to have trees placed on. The console display results are used in the treeReplicator script.
With the new 3.4 version you can create deep GE transform structures but you must have a single top level parent.
All final nodes under that parent must have LOD0 in the first position. If LOD0 is not the first of the last transform then the script will get stuck in a loop.
Example: Trees -> Tree1 -> LOD0
Example2: Trees -> Pines -> Tree1 -> LOD0
Example3: Trees -> Pines -> GreenSmall -> ThinBranches -> Tree1 -> LOD0